What is EQ Juice?

EQ Juice or rainbow melon is a term that grew around the brew deck to describe the magical escalating brightness and rainbow melon flavor profile that you experience in Equilibrium’s hoppy beers. Rainbow Melon isn’t a real thing but it is our best guess at what matches this hop derived flavor. This ongoing RnD effort led to development of a system of differential equations considering EQ Juice Concentrations undergoing multicomponent enzymatic pathways, sorption, changing substrate concentrations, yeast growth, and yeast settling. This system of equations is solved to better understand the EQ Juice production and maximization:

This equation (yellow line below) was fit to empirical data to give the model parameters their actual values. This equation fit to the data was the focus of the label for the beer “dC/dt:.

We find that every hop is slightly different so it is something we constantly reevaluate and re optimize (think our dHop series) to bring you the best tasting beer possible:

We believe the science and even all the precursors are still somewhat unknown and we look forward to unlocking these delicious mysteries with your help!